We being humans always depended on other species (now termed as social animals, pets or whatever) co-existing with us on the planet Earth for our own survival, as we didn't have enough skills or physical capabilities to survive on our own in the harsh weather conditions of the earth in the early human days. The human-animal coalition always worked so well not only for the humans but also for the animals as it provided them the food without doing hard effort and also security from other wild animals in the food chain. It not only played a major role in human survival, but also helped humanity rise above all and be in control of the whole world.
Ok, that's enough of the ancient history. In short, we are only the HUMANS and we just love FREE LABOR, don't we? Check it out... monkeys put to work in the coconut farming...
video source: worldswonder
Do you think its FAIR to use these animals for a labor work or if it's a common case of "ANIMAL CRUELTY" ?
Please share your views with the other community members on this subject and find out what they have to say about this...
I think its fair, no big deal...